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Yoga: What Are You Available For?
This is a time of reckoning. As yoga expands and grows it’s important to consider your values and how you are living them. This isn't new...
Susanna Barkataki
Jul 10, 20203 min read

Yoga and Technology - A Digital Divide?
For yoga students, teachers or wellness practitioners many of us are working to catch up and get online. For some of us this is a...
Susanna Barkataki
Apr 3, 20203 min read

Teaching Online Strategically, Equitably and Effectively - Info and Webinar
For yoga students, teachers or wellness practitioners this is a challenging time. You may be struggling right now because you are being...
Susanna Barkataki
Mar 28, 20203 min read

Yoga Gives us Inner Power Regardless of Outer Circumstance.
Now’s a time to remember our practice. For thousands of years yogis, sannyasis (an ascetic who separates from the world to connect...
Susanna Barkataki
Mar 26, 20204 min read

My and Your Spiritual Lineage Acknowledgement
Spiritual lineage acknowledgement is honoring the yoga practice and its origins. It has been part of the yogic tradition at least since...
Susanna Barkataki
Mar 13, 20203 min read

Western Capitalistic Yoga & How To Challenge It
BREAKING NEWS: If a yoga studio or space is treating the practice as a commodity, they are appropriating yoga. Yoga at its core is meant...
Susanna Barkataki
Feb 7, 20205 min read

What is the Difference Between Cultural Appropriation and Cultural Appreciation?
What’s the difference between cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation? Sometimes, we can be unclear as to what the difference is...
Susanna Barkataki
Aug 27, 20195 min read

Namaste- 60+ Options for Confidently Ending Your Yoga Class
Namaste. Do you say it to end a yoga class? Namaste has become a signifier of the end of a yoga class. It has a beautiful meaning....
Susanna Barkataki
Aug 21, 20193 min read

Why the Heck Are You White Centering and What to Do About It
Centering whiteness has been a matter of survival for me. As part of my strategy for staying alive and thriving in a world that...
Susanna Barkataki
Jul 26, 20195 min read

“But, Do I Really Need to Speak Sanskrit?”
On Language, Legacies of Learning and Asking Ourselves, What Am I Committing to be a Student Of? I'd love to reflect on a question I get...
Susanna Barkataki
Jul 3, 20194 min read

The Unbearable Whiteness of Being Yoga Journal: Roots, Reverence, Representation and Reparations
"If you want the moon, do not hide from the night. If you want a rose do not run away from the thorns. If you want to love do not hide...
Susanna Barkataki
Jun 26, 20196 min read

Accessibility Isn’t Accessible Unless It's Inclusive
"She who experiences the unity of life sees her own self in all beings, and all beings in her own self, and looks on everything with an...
Susanna Barkataki
Jun 10, 20199 min read

How to Decolonize Your Yoga Practice
As an Indian woman living in the U.S. I’ve often felt uncomfortable in many yoga spaces. At times, such as when I take a $25.00 yoga...
Susanna Barkataki
Sep 25, 20185 min read

How to Practice Yoga Without Appropriating It
Cultural appropriation is stealing the intellectual, spiritual, cultural informational wealth of another group, such as we see happening...
Susanna Barkataki
Sep 25, 20182 min read
There are some people who believe however you end your yoga class is up to you.
But, truthfully, I think there’s a bit more to it than that.
I've created a free Masterclass for you all about it. Namaste: How to End Your Yoga Class Confidently and Embrace Yoga’s Roots without Feeling like a Giant Cheese Ball, Inappropriate or Insecure
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